John Walley
Software Developer
Work experience
Mulberry House Software / CEO & Founder
2016 - present
- Founded and led a software company delivering innovative solutions across multiple industries.
- Created a floor planner with leading UK home renovation startup Reno.
- Led development of a visualisation tools for the pension industry with Financial Canvas.
- Developed visualisation components for Vega a decentralised network for creating and trading derivatives including two open-source libraries: Pennant and Allotment.
Redgate / Trainee Product Manager
2015 - 2016
- Improved awareness and increased usage of a newly acquired database deployment tool.
- Developed in-product analytics functionality to provide actionable insights.
- Coordinated content marketing initiatives, increasing product visibility and customer engagement.
- Partnered with UX specialists to prioritise features and improve user experience.
Redgate / Software Developer
2014 - 2015
- Helped solve SQL Server database deployment for users of popular release management tools.
Sungard / Software Developer
2012 - 2014
- Contributed to a scalable and extensible framework used by a high-performance risk analytics service.
- Developed a tracing just-in-time compiler, enabling C# financial models to run on GPUs.
Various / Freelance Developer
2011 - 2012
- Designed and implemented algorithms for human motion capture using low-cost inertial sensors.
- Developed a bespoke financial trading tool tailored to an for an independent trader's needs.
Fidelity / High Performance Computing Developer
2010 - 2011
- Designed and implemented quantitative-based methods as part of the newly-formed applied HPC team.
- Advocated agile development practices, including iterative approaches and frequent stakeholder feedback.
MathWorks / Application Engineer
2007 - 2010
- Worked directly with customers to understand their technical and business challenges.
- Acted as the main point of contact for customers evaluating and using MathWorks parallel computing tools in the UK.
- Prepared and delivered presentations to customers and prospects.
- Provided feedback to the commercial and R&D organisations.
QinetiQ / Research Scientist
2004 - 2007
- Assessed and improved warship stealth.
- Combined radar and infra-red output through sensor fusion to improve situational awareness.
- Developed object tracking algorithms, including a LIDAR simulator (C++), Markov chain Monte Carlo tracking application (MATLAB), and visualisation tools (Python).
Newcastle University / Research Assistant
Summer 1998 & 1999
- Conducted data analysis and modelling for a mass spectrometry experiment in Fortran.
- Co-authored a peer-reviewed paper: ‘Hyperfine-resolved spectrum of the molecular dication DCl2+’.
University of Oxford / MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
2002 - 2003
- Studied mathematical modelling, numerical linear algebra, numerical optimisation and distributed computing for computational finance.
- Explored the numerical solution of magnetic fluid flow in my dissertation.
University of Cambridge / BA in Mathematics
1999 - 2002
- Studied a wide variety of topics with an emphasis on applied mathematics, statistics and theoretical physics.
Software development: TypeScript • JavaScript • C# • MATLAB
Communication: Public speaking • Technical presentations
Specialised expertise: Data visualisation • API design • Data analysis
Management experience: Technical mentoring • Product management